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我认为全国网赌正规平台英语系最独特的地方是其鼓舞人心的师资力量. 他们对教学的热情使我获得了一种教育水平,如果我去其他机构,我就无法获得这种教育水平. 例如,博士. Jeff Loomis has helped me by providing guidance with research, 阅读文本, and being audience to personal life concerns. 通过我在这个部门的经历,我已经能够成长为一个学生和一个人. Not only have I become a better student, 但通过课堂上的实践和生活课程,我也成为了一个更好的人.



A love for languages is what led me to study Spanish and English Education at Northwest. I was so excited to find others who shared the same interests. 课堂内外都有机会推动学生走出他们的舒适区,帮助他们实现目标. 教师们为教育专业学生必须完成的执照考试做准备的研讨会对我来说是一个亮点, a true testament that they were willing to help me do the best for my future. 我很兴奋,我在全国网赌正规平台的西班牙语教育学位将帮助我带领像我一样的学生找到他们对语言的兴趣,并发现学习语言的所有好处.



I’m so happy I followed my passion and chose to major in English at Northwest. I love this university, and I especially love our English Dep艺术ment! 这里的学生和老师都很棒,我很幸运能遇到这么棒的人. All the teachers I have had do everything they can to help me be successful, 在课堂内外. 我也很喜欢参与西格玛Tau Delta英语荣誉协会. My experience with the English Dep艺术ment at Northwest has changed my life, and I’m so glad I found my place here.



My experience in the Dep艺术ment of Language, Literature and 写作 at Northwest has been truly life-changing. 我有幸上过课的每一位教授都非常投入于他们所教的内容,并且教得很好. Worlds – literally and figuratively – have been opened up for me because of them. 博士. 南希·迈耶和博士. Richard Black's American Lit courses, 我开始与亨利·大卫·梭罗交往,并迷恋上了美国现代主义文学, 继续丰富我的生活. 博士. John Gallaher的专业写作,我学会了如何格式化专业写作. In Richard Sonnenmoser's Theory of Creative 写作, 我钻研故事写作, 发现潜台词的艺术. Paco M艺术inez, Karen Detrixhe, and Dr. 埃里克·迪基都对我理解和熟练掌握西班牙语至关重要. During a process of immense personal growth and maturation over my college career, 我在学业上也取得了进步, 这就是谢谢, 很大程度上, to the professors who have challenged me along the way. 他们帮助我奠定了我一生都会用到的技能的基础:分析和批判性思考的能力, 说服力, 编辑技术, 优秀的沟通能力.​



虽然我最初并不是作为英语教育专业来全国网赌正规平台的, I found where I belonged when I set foot in my first General Education English course. I was always afraid that loving the way that language feels when coming out of a pen, 我的嘴, or the pages of a well-worn book was just a hobby, but the English Dep艺术ment at Northwest helped me actualize that it was so much more. 无论是创意写作, 历史背景, 教学, or linguistics an English Degree from Northwest is an amazing asset. 这里的系与其他大学的不同之处在于老师愿意以任何方式帮助学生. 他们从不怯于向其他在某一领域知识更丰富的教授请教,或者帮助学生解决各种问题. 全国网赌正规平台的门户开放政策在寻求教授的建议或帮助时,效果很好. 我迫不及待地想把英语系教授给我的知识传授给我将要教的高中生. 我知道这个部门帮助我成为我所在领域的一名参与者,我非常感激. 我选择这所学校是因为我的许多家庭成员都是校友,但我选择这所学校的这个部门是为了让我的大学经历成为我自己的经历.



当我来到全国网赌正规平台, I knew I would be pursuing a degree in English, but what I didn't know is that I wouldn't be alone in doing so. 我没有意识到整个教职员工会和我一起努力工作,帮助我实现我的目标. 的资源, 可用性, 反馈, 以及对英语系工作人员的了解是我在课堂上表现出色的一个重要原因. Not only are the instructors in the classroom 教学 the courses, but they are advisors for numerous organizations, 比如西格玛τ δ, 或者是GreenTower的编辑. The opportunities available for English majors are immense, 我很幸运地拓宽了我的知识,并将我在西格玛Tau Delta的课程学习和在绿塔出版社的桂冠评论实习中所学到的知识应用到实践中.


迈克尔 Evans(校友)

语言学系, 当我意识到我的教育没有强迫我提出对我来说真正重要的问题时,我转向了文学和写作. 身份问题, 文化背景, 全国网赌正规平台作为理性行为者的身份所带来的责任是什么?这些都是系里的学生和教授以精力和热情处理的问题. 我强调“问题”这个词.” For the most attractive thing about this dep艺术ment, aside from the unforgettable people that I have met in it, is that it never once offered to give the answers. 而, 它帮助了我, 作为一名学生, to learn something very important: it is not the answers we give that define us, 但是全国网赌正规平台问的问题. Whether one is entering into a discussion with Virginia Woolf and Emerson, or seeking to understand another culture through a foreign tongue, 在这个部门里,你会发现一个深刻而丰富的话语,它总是把探究推向比你想象的更远的地方. 迈克尔 graduated from Northwest in 2014.



"My love for books and writing enticed me to major in English. I have learned so much from each professor I have had the privilege of studying under. The diversity of available courses has ensured that my classes are never boring. 同时,我还学习了许多与英语相关的科目,比如历史." Brittiany graduated from Northwest in 2010.



“作为全国网赌正规平台英语专业的学生,我对自己有了深刻的认识,也对我所生活的世界有了更好的了解. I have connected with authors on the pages of their books, despite their distance from me in time, and I now better understand the human condition. 写作, 太, has given me the opportunity to share my deepest thoughts on life, 情感与社会与他人, establishing that same connection with those who choose to read my work." 泰勒 graduated from Northwest in 2010.


瑞秋 Rittman(校友)

"My passion for the study of English is fueled by my curiosity about life. Life is a complex combination of our physical, emotional and spiritual human experiences paired with our imagination, 理性与逻辑. 生活中充满了客观的真理,这些真理引导全国网赌正规平台每个人进行主观的发现. 对我来说,成为全国网赌正规平台英语系的一员满足了我的好奇心. The literature studied mimics the intricacy of life. When we study greats works we learn more than just how to write, read and analyze well; we learn about the whole human experience. 西北英语系的特别之处在于鼓励每个学生通过讨论参与学习. Also, each professor is unique in his or her style, approach and demeanor. 这一切都完美地结合在一起,扩展了全国网赌正规平台对知识和理解的获取, while spurring us on towards further delving into our curiosities."



"The students and faculty in the English Dep艺术ment are very supportive. 他们帮助我进步,给了我信心,我需要在毕业后继续攻读创意写作的美术硕士课程." 克里斯蒂 graduated from Northwest in 2009.



I've always been fascinated with the 艺术 of writing. I am a writer myself, but coexistent with that I am a reader. The field of English allows me to explore both. Studying English is so much more than simply writing papers about books. 用英语, 我了解文化, 人类行为, 历史, 哲学, 艺术, and how they all are combined into thought provoking, wildly entertaining works of great literature.

I didn't want to attend a school 太 far away from where I grew up. Of all the universities in the state of Missouri, 我觉得全国网赌正规平台在英语领域提供了最好的本科教育. From the first semester of my Freshman year, I was taking classes with knowledgeable and inspiring professors. 在课堂之外,通过参与,我获得了宝贵的学习和成长机会 西格玛τ δ, the English Honors Society, and by tutoring in the 写作中心 (见图). My experience with the English dep艺术ment at Northwest has been extremely fulfilling." 巴里 graduated from Northwest in 2009.

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